
Bosna i Hercegovina
Odjeljenje za makroekonomsku analizu
Upravnog odbora Uprave za indirektno-neizravno oporezivanje

Босна и Херцеговина
Одјељење за макроекономску анализу
Управног одбора Управе за индиректно опорезивање
Macroeconomic Unit of the Governing Board of the Indirect Tax Authority
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About us > Mission/Tasks

MAU was established on May 1 st , 2005 in accordance with the decision of the ITA Governing Board. The Unit has been established with the aim to provide technical support to the ITA Governing Board and fiscal authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina , in process of achieving fiscal sustainability for all levels of administration and state.

Basic tasks of the Unit are:
•  Collection of data on consolidated revenues and expenditures for all levels of administration (state, entity, cantons, municipalities and funds), preparation of reports based on collected and processed data, with the aim to monitor execution of revenues, expenditures and budget.
•  preparing macroeconomic and fiscal projections of revenues and budget, preparing consolidated fiscal balance for all levels in the country, preparing proposal on allocation of targeted consolidated balance between levels of administration
•  analyzing revenues, expenditures, foreign debt, government investments and borrowing, analysis of VAT introduction macroeconomic effects, providing proposals for redefining tax policy in the field of indirect taxes etc.

Bulletin number 225/226 ...
Bulletin number 223/224 ...
Bulletin number 221/222 ...
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 Central Bank
 Agency for Statistics of  BiH
 Foreign Trade Chamber  of  BiH
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