
Bosna i Hercegovina
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Босна и Херцеговина
Одјељење за макроекономску анализу
Управног одбора Управе за индиректно опорезивање
Macroeconomic Unit of the Governing Board of the Indirect Tax Authority
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About us > Staff

Dinka Antic – Head of unit 
•  Ph.D. in economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka, doctoral thesis “Macroeconomic Stability and Fiscal Federalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, (mentor: Prof. Dr. Rajko Tomaš)
•  Master of economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka, graduate studies in financial management
• Diploma in economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka

Employment background :
•  Indirect Taxation Authority, HQ, Banjaluka, Advisor for VAT economic policy in the VAT development team
•  IMC Consulting Ltd, UK , Financial consultant
•  Office of the human rights ombudsman in BiH, Financial director
•  „Cajavec“ Holding, Banja Luka, Chief designer of IT systems
•  Consulting for various projects of international aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina
•  more than 80  works in field of finance and taxes with special emphasis on tax policy and legislation of EU (VAT, excise), published in BiH, Croatia and Netherlands
•  correspondent IBFD, Amsterdam, for on line tax news service (TNS), European Tax Survey and International VAT Monitor

Aleksandra Regoje – Expert Advisor - Macroeconomist
•  Postgraduate study “Macroeconomics”, Faculty of Economics, University of East Sarajevo
•  Diploma in economics, Faculty of Economics, University of East Sarajevo  
Employment background:
• City of East Sarajevo , Head of mayor's cabinet
Canadian International Demining Corps, Financial officer  

External Associates:
•  Darija Komlenović, professor, ITA GB
•  Sanja Lončar, IT expert
•  Sulejman Hasanović, IT expert

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